Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 24th, 2013, Shrunken Hitty Heads

I've been playing with this clear recyclable plastic containers and shrinking it for other uses. So much fun. Yesterday I was making Shrunken Hitty heads. thought i would poke a hole in the top of the head where i have these small circles and add a chain loop for necklaces. Then I got the idea to try and make cameos . the first ones I added the head to a circle or mis-shapened square punch i had, and i painted them with pearl nail polish and the head stuck up too much, but it melted into one form alright, but the polish  turned yellowish in the oven. hmmm so next time i got the brilliant idea to paint the back of the so called cameo and put the silhouette on the front.. hmmm lets see what i can do with this? I will show the finished item later. the finished cameo came out to 3/8 of an inch after the plastic shrunk it. Tiny heh?

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